The portfolio of courses taught at my current and previous universities includes bachelor, master and PhD level courses, primarily in the fields of macroeconomics, monetary economics anbd international economics. A major objective of my teaching is to enable students to "do/learn things on their own" and to "render me as a teacher redundant". As a consequence, I therefore - whenever possible and appropriate - design my courses in a manner such that students get the opportunity to conduct own independent analyses using, e.g., statistical software and data. To get an overview of my current university teaching, please visit my chair website at: http://www.macro.uni-siegen.de (teaching)
Being convinced that an active exchange with the non-academic professional sphere represents a mutually beneficial exchange I have regularly engaged in some selected executive education program courses. In recent years, I in particular had the pleasure to contribute to the - highly professionally managed - Doing Business in Germany program of the ZIB WiSo of the University of Cologne in the areas of the automotive and the energy sector (please see https://www.international.wiso.uni-koeln.de/de/incoming-students/short-programmes/doing-business-in-germany/ for more details).
Establishing/Managing platforms for the exchange between academics, business practitioners and policy makers
Organizer of the SAFE Summer Academy
In 2013, I had the pleasure to organize the first edition of the SAFE Summer Academy series, a workshop series which provides a research-based training for European policymakers dealing with financial markets regulation. The first event took place in Berin, one year later we moved to Brussels to even better meet the European (and beyond) perspective of SAFE.The participants of this events are given an academically disciplined, fact- and evidence-based assessment of the impact of the recently implemented reforms on (international) financial markets and their stability. Topics are chosen to reflect current policy questions and open debates. The Summer Academy intends to equip its attendees to better fulfil their responsibilities within their respective institutions for properly designing the framework for a sustainable architecture for finance.
The faculty and panel participants comprise leading scholars in the field together with expert practitioners. The Summer Academy is primarily aimed at members of European parliaments (and their collaborators) and division heads (as well as senior officials) from European ministries of general governmental affairs, finance and economic affairs. To allow for extensive interaction and engagement with faculty, the number of participants in the Summer Academy will be strictly limited. Please, see https://safe-frankfurt.de/de/policy-center/veranstaltungen/summer-academy.html for further information on this event.
Organizer of the conference “The ECB and Its Watchers” in 2016 and 2017
While being a "watcher" of the conference "The ECB and Its Watchers" from its very first event (given my position as a research assistant of its co-founder Axel A. Weber), I had the great honor - and pleasure - to co-organize the "ECB and Its Watchers Conference" in 2015 and organize it in 2016 and 2017. Since 1999, when the European Central Bank (ECB) took up its mandate, about 400 ECB watchers from all over Europe, North America and Asia regularly come to the conference to get first-hand information and to debate with members of the ECB Governing Council, presidents from euro area central banks as well as representatives of international organizations and renowned researchers. Thus, the conference series has become an established event in the agenda of many participants.
For futher information on this conference, please see: https://www.imfs-frankfurt.de/en/events/imfs-conferences/the-ecb-and-its-watchers.html