
Welcome to my homepage, I am very pleased about your interest in my professional activities.

I am currently working as a professor for economics at the University of Siegen. My research focusses on analyzing price-setting behavior (and the resulting macroeconomic implications) with respect to several dimensions. In doing so, I mostly use micro price data (Please see the menu items "Curriculum vitae" and "Research" for more detailed information on my professional background and research).

Closely elated to my research activities, I am engaged in two major larger research initiatives (called "Projects" on this site). These projects aim at (i) catalyzing the use of scanner price (and related micro data) for macroeconomic (broadly defined) purposes (MIGGPROPRICES) and (ii) collecting comprehensive regional data for research in the field of regional economics (RE) and for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).

Other professional activities (such as policy-related writings and former activities such as the organization of the conference "The ECB and Its Watchers") are presented under the menu item "Other activities".

If you have any questions, comments or requests please feel free to contact me under This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.